Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Here's Your First Christmas Present

Hi Everyone

I decided to get the drop on everyone else this year by making sure that I was the very first person you know to start giving out Christmas presents, and what a present I've got for you!

I've been asked by my friends Dax Moy and Pat Rigsby to contribute a very special REPORT/VIDEO/AUDIO/EBOOK that I've just finished working on to their 12 Days of Fitness Gift-Giving Program.

But whilst I'm pretty excited about being able to offer you my gift, I'm absolutely over the moon that I've been chosen as one of a handpicked group of just 250 health and fitness experts from all around the world to participate in the largest gift-giving program ever.

This means that, as well as getting your gift from me, you'll be able to download a sackful of videos, audios, ebooks and special reports on just about every area of health and fitness from Diet to Nutrition, Fat loss to Strength training, Back pain to Mom's fitness and just about EVERYTHING in between.

Seriously, Dax and Pat have ensured that only the very best quality gifts have been allowed into this years gift-giving, meaning that many of the contributors have created gifts that you would happily pay for...

But you get each and every one of them for free!

All you have to do to get you hands on my Gift (and the other couple of hundred amazing gifts, of course) is pop on over and register your name and email address at

12 Days Of Fitness

and you'll get the whole lot delivered to you with my compliments .

Well, what are you waiting for?

Get on over to

12 Days Of Fitness

now! : )


P.S - Feel free to forward this email on to your family, friends or work colleagues so that they can take advantage of this massive gift-giving. After all, it's not every day that you get access to this kind of information for free right?

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